Manhattan Beach
Traditional Shotokan Karate







Authentic Traditional Shotokan Karate in the MMA


Lyoto Machida 

The Machida Dojo in Brazil

Lyoyo & Chinzo Machida

    Nishiyama sensei in a framed poster on the wall  




(Lyoto) Machida's Belator 222 fight vs Chael Sonnen

June, 14th, 2019

At Madison Square Garden, New York New York, U.S.A.



 Authentic Traditional Shotokan Karate In MMA Competition


Authentic Traditional Shotokan Karate Kumite Competition

 Tanaka sensei in the opening video - Makiwara Training

  Early Enbu Demo 

Tanaka sensei, Nishiyama sensei & Shirai sensei

(As young men)





Naito Sensei, Nishiyama sensei & again Shirai sensei

(even in later years, you never stop to improve and test ones self)

This is an awesome photo. The poster I have shows an incredible look on Nishiyama sensei's face (in this photo you can't you can't get the sharp image of the poster).














 When it comes to Authentic Traditional Shotokan Karate

 No matter where you look.

 Nishiyama sensei is there

(his presence in all forms).

 Always in the most senior position.
















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The Tradition Continues . . .

The Future is Bright and has just started.


Quietly we build one brick at a time

Like at "Central Dojo" you have your regulars.

You must always be a teacher and a student in order to keep on learning.

Like "Central Dojo" we have many visitors some local and some international.

I will write more about this . . .


Olympics Tokyo, Japan 2020